VBS  Registration

VBS Registration

Mark your calendars for VBS! June 23-27, 5:00-8:00pm. We hope you can join us!

Please complete the entire form so we can keep our records up-to-date.
Please read the following and indicate your preference. This will apply to all your children unless you notify us differently.

We are posting pictures of our church “in action” on our website and on our CRC Facebook page. We are not putting names of the children by any of the pictures. Please check the box authorizing us to post pictures of your child(ren) on the web. If there is any reason the above-named child(ren)’s picture should NOT appear on the web, please notify the church office immediately (616-837-8949).

I understand that accidents and illnesses can occur. If first aid is required, it may be provided by church staff or volunteers prior to the arrival of emergency personnel. If unable to locate me (the parent/guardian), I give permission to supervisors, first aid responders, and any licensed physicians to take all emergency steps that may appear necessary for the care and welfare of the child(ren) registered above. I hereby waive on behalf of myself, spouse, and the above-named child(ren) any liability of the church and of its agents, or employees/volunteers, arising out of such medical treatment.
I give my permission for the child(ren) listed above to participate in VBS at Coopersville Reformed Church.